The energetic soul activation process to call your power forth and birth your soul’s song.

Doing this Free Activation will help you:

·      Love and accept every part of yourself

·      Know the woman you are and honour her

·      Bring your soul through your body and unleash her true expression

·      Open your intuition, clear your emotional wounds and find your true purpose.

·      Find your place, in your body, here on earth.

Claim your free Soul Song Activation now!

Every woman has a unique & powerful soul song within her, just waiting to be unleashed.
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Hi, I’m Alisar Laz. I’m a Soul Guide, Body Healer and Spiritual Midwife.

I guide women to rise and stand in their power so they can be seen, heard and respected in their true feminine essence.  

Are you ready to unleash your true voice?

Do you desire to be seen, heard, honoured and loved for your true self?

Do you feel the passion which exists within you, yearning to be expressed with the world?

We can feel like we have so much to offer.

We have gifts to share, love to give and a purpose that aches to be fulfilled.

And yet we can feel trapped within the stories of who we think we should be for others.

The stories of not being good or worthy enough, of taking a place to make others happy. Of denying your own self, despite your heart desperately wanting something different.

I know what it’s like to feel small and quiet.

I’ve come from a place where I was punished if I spoke up, put down if I bared my true essence, broken in my power.

I was too much for others.

Deep down, I wasn’t honoured because I didn’t know and wasn’t taught how to honour myself.

I would witness other women being treated the same and vowed one day I would help women to be honoured for all that we are.

I began my healing journey to free my soul.

I met the little girl within me who was so scared of being seen and heard, so scared of not being good enough.

I cleared the blocks in my power centre and decided to rise up.

I left my ex-husband and I claimed the wise, fierce, loving woman I am.

I let my soul out.

The more I cleared my expression centre and healed my power, the more my soul’s music began to shine through.

One day I opened my throat and roared with the fierceness of the wise woman, long lost within me.  

I gave myself permission to sing my own song.

And I know this can be true for you too.

When our soul song is not free, then we can’t fulfil our deeper desires and our true purpose in the world.

But we can be utterly jammed up and blocked within our core energy centres. And when our energy is closed within us, we can’t access the richness and beauty of who we are.

I’ve learn that there are three core activations every soul woman goes through to heal her wounds, find her voice and birth her true self in the world.

 These activations call forth your soul song, the unique essence of you that is meant to be shared with the world.

When you are free in your soul song, your truth rises, your relationships deepen and you begin to live your purpose, sharing the gifts that are yours to share.

I’ve created this Free Energy Activation to help you clear the blocks in the energy centre that is awakening within you right now.

When our energy centres are opening to our soul it can feel overwhelming, like everything is spinning out of control and our heart is feeling so much.

But this is the healing. Your soul is guiding your heart to open so that you can tend to whatever you have stored within you that has been blocking you from hearing your soul song.

And it is your time to be supported on your soul journey. It is time to open your energy even more to allow the healing energy to come forth.

I’ve curated this activation for you to concentrate on the main energy centre that is activating for you now. I’ll guide you to intuit what energy centre is opening and then you can receive a specific intentional process to open that centre.